Showcase of Work
Watercolor and Pen
I created this drawing based on the exercise we did in class to represent anger. We were supposed to make an image with colors we didn’t like, and for this final piece, I added imagery that represents the trapped and confined feeling I get when I feel this emotion. While the yellow color was initially used because it was a color I didn't like, I think that the “happy” symbolism it carries also aids my piece in anger feeling like my happiness is being stolen and warped.
Print Paper and Marker
I wanted to make a gratitude bullet journal after seeing all of the cool ones my classmates made in workshop. I made this design to emphasize finding one good thing that happens every day and writing it down, along with more space at the bottom to record additional, categorized good things that happened to me. At the end of the month, the journal has spaces for me to reflect on my actions that aided me, and those that I should change in the following month. Hopefully, this design can promote positive thinking that is at a low during the pandemic.