Showcase of Work

Photography and Google Slides
The creative work shown above features a picture collage of the expressed emotion happiness. More specifically, the collage I created includes photos, sayings, and symbols that represent happiness to me. All of the people included in my collage are people who make me happy. Since the overall theme/emotion I chose to represent was happiness, I chose to include symbols and phrases with pink, orange, and light blue color schemes because to me those bright colors elicit happiness. In order to craft this collage I collected all of the images I wanted to include, and then used a google slide to arrange them in the order I saw best fit. My inspiration came from Pinterest, where I found happiness collages that solely used symbols and sayings, and found other collages that used photos of people. When finalizing my ideas, I decided to integrate both in my own collage.
Photography and Google Slides
The work featured above is a picture collage representing the theme of managing stress. More specifically, I created this picture collage in order to showcase ways and activities I participate in, in order to relieve stress in a healthy manner. In order to prevent any confusion, I labeled all of the activities pictured above. The college includes a mix of my own personal pictures as well as photos found on google describing the activities. In order to create this college, I collected all of the images I planned on using and placed them on a google slide. To finish off the collage, I included a white dotted border line to the edge of my collage to add more details to my collage. My inspiration came from Pinterest collages I found of people doing activities they love in order to manage their stress.