Showcase of Work

Magazine Paper
This piece is a collage that I made to represent happiness. It features a variety of fun, vibrant patterns that all lead to the center of “good vibes.” The rays can also be seen as projecting outwards, releasing these “good vibes.” At the top of the collage, I included a collection of small images that made me happy while looking through magazines. Collaging as an act already brings me a lot of happiness, so I wanted to show what kinds of things sparked joy when searching for the right magazine page to use. Items such as a coke bottle and a small ladybug represent certain aspects of my personality, while others such as the sombrero just brought me joy in the moment. In the end, I thought that this piece displayed my emotion quite nicely, as it is busy and full of patterns yet seems to be radiating with positivity.
Pen, Colored Pencil, and Washi Tape
Bullet journaling has been a hobby of mine for a while, so I immediately knew that this assignment would become one of my final pieces. As this project was used as a method of stress management, I kind of took this spread one step at a time. After deciding on a loose theme, I just began drawing boxes and continued drawing based on where they took me. Ultimately, I ended up with a piece focused around my goals and aspirations of the month of April. Using the retro/travel theme as my starting point, I added many goals to my bucket list and then added more useful things such as challenges for the month and important dates. My favorite part of this activity is probably the color scheme because of its vibrancy, with colors almost like those of a sunset. The warm tones of pinks and oranges add to the ambiance of nature, and the small doodles contribute to the theme.