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History and Distinction

Beginning in the late nineteenth century, modern art began to emerge due to social and political change. During this time, artists began to reject tradition and focus on self-expression within their art, which was not well-received at the time. For example, Impressionism, a well loved modern art movement of today, was denounced because it attempted to break tradition and distort the human figure (Lynton, 1990, p. 14-15). As modern history progressed throughout time, different movements emerged, each leading to more abstract works. This history inspired me to develop my workshop and explore certain movements further. Below is an image of a Fauvist work by Sarah Flores:

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When students came to class each week, they were met with a new movement of modern art. Every class, we started with a brief overview of the movement that included historical background and key features of the art based on my research from Amy Dempsey’s (2018) Modern Art. After this, we spent the remainder of class completing a hands-on project relating to the artistic styles of the time period. As you go throughout this online exhibition, you will see two works of art from each student: one piece based on an art movement we covered in class and one piece based on the student’s own personal research and interests. If you choose to explore the movements yourself, there will be links to a website titled The Art Story on each student's gallery page. Below is an Op Art work by Raymond Healy:

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Audience and Impact

When I developed this workshop, my intended audience was beginner artists who want to explore various types of art. Throughout the semester, I have seen the impact that this workshop has had in allowing students to develop new interests and perceptions of art. Completing this course has also had a major impact on me. Leading this workshop has taught me the importance of being open minded and exploration. As I continue on in my academic career, I will always remember this course and how it opened my eyes to all of the possibilities not only in art, but in the rest of the world. Pictured below are students participating in an action painting activity that took place during the semester.

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Dempsey, A. (2018). Modern art (Art essentials). New York, New York: Thames & Hudson.

Lynton, N. (1990). The story of modern art (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.

Modern Art Movements, Artists, Ideas and Topics. (n.d.). Retrieved October 10, 2019, from

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I would like to thank, first and foremost, Harold and Heather for all of their support throughout my entire experience in Arts Scholars. Their support and dedication to all students is what made me decide to take on the challenge of developing and leading a workshop. I would also like to thank my teaching assistant, Ashley Wagner, for always being there to help me in and out of the classroom as both a friend and a colleague. It is important to me to also thank every student in my workshop. Without them, this gallery would not exist. They are very talented individuals who came to class every week eager to learn and try something new. Lastly, I would like to thank my parents and my friends who listened to my ideas, tested art projects with me, and supported me throughout this entire process.

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ArtsFest 2020

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